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const wordsToTooltip = {
“Diagnostic Tests and Procedures”: “Testy diagnostyczne i procedury”,
“Diagnosing diseases of the female reproductive system”: “Diagnozowanie chorób żeńskiego układu rozrodczego”,
“clinical evaluations”: “Oceny kliniczne”,
“diagnostic tests”: “Testy diagnostyczne”,
“structural abnormalities”: “Nieprawidłowości strukturalne”,
“hormonal abnormalities”: “Zaburzenia hormonalne”,
“functional abnormalities”: “Zaburzenia funkcjonalne”,
“infections”: “Infekcje”,
“malignancies”: “Nowotwory złośliwe”,
“reproductive health concerns”: “Problemy zdrowotne układu rozrodczego”,
“imaging”: “Obrazowanie”,
“blood tests”: “Badania krwi”,
“biopsy procedures”: “Procedury biopsji”,
“Pelvic Ultrasound”: “USG miednicy”,
“non-invasive imaging technique”: “Nieinwazyjna technika obrazowania”,
“visualize the uterus”: “Obrazowanie macicy”,
“visualize the ovaries”: “Obrazowanie jajników”,
“visualize the fallopian tubes”: “Obrazowanie jajowodów”,
“detect cysts”: “Wykrywanie torbieli”,
“detect fibroids”: “Wykrywanie mięśniaków”,
“transvaginal ultrasound”: “USG przezpochwowe”,
“early pregnancy”: “Wczesna ciąża”,
“ovarian conditions”: “Stany chorobowe jajników”,
“Common Conditions Assessed with Pelvic Ultrasound”: “Typowe stany oceniane za pomocą USG miednicy”,
“Ovarian cysts”: “Torbiele jajników”,
“Uterine fibroids”: “Mięśniaki macicy”,
“Endometriosis”: “Endometrioza”,
“Ectopic pregnancy”: “Ciąża pozamaciczna”,
“Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)”: “Zespół policystycznych jajników (PCOS)”,
“Pap Smear (Pap Test)”: “Cytologia (test Pap)”,
“screening test”: “Test przesiewowy”,
“collecting cells from the cervix”: “Pobieranie komórek z szyjki macicy”,
“precancerous changes”: “Zmiany przedrakowe”,
“cervical cancer”: “Rak szyjki macicy”,
“routine gynecological exams”: “Rutynowe badania ginekologiczne”,
“Common Conditions Assessed with Pap Smear”: “Typowe stany oceniane za pomocą cytologii”,
“Cervical dysplasia”: “Dysplazja szyjki macicy”,
“Human Papillomavirus (HPV)”: “Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego (HPV)”,
“HPV”: “Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego”,
“high-risk HPV strains”: “Wysokoonkogenne szczepy HPV”,
“cervical cancer screening”: “Badania przesiewowe raka szyjki macicy”,
“Common Conditions Assessed with HPV Testing”: “Typowe stany oceniane za pomocą testu HPV”,
“Hysteroscopy”: “Histeroskopia”,
“thin lighted scope”: “Cienki oświetlony wziernik”,
“view the inside of the uterus”: “Oglądanie wnętrza macicy”,
“direct visualization of the uterine cavity”: “Bezpośrednia wizualizacja jamy macicy”,
“polyps”: “Polipy”,
“intrauterine adhesions”: “Zrosty wewnątrzmaciczne”,
“Common Conditions Assessed with Hysteroscopy”: “Typowe stany oceniane za pomocą histeroskopii”,
“Uterine polyps”: “Polipy macicy”,
“Uterine adhesions (Asherman’s syndrome)”: “Zrosty maciczne (zespół Ashermana)”,
“Abnormal uterine bleeding”: “Nieprawidłowe krwawienie z macicy”,
“Laparoscopy”: “Laparoskopia”,
“minimally invasive surgical procedure”: “Małoinwazyjna procedura chirurgiczna”,
“camera to examine the pelvic organs”: “Kamera do badania narządów miednicy”,
“small abdominal incisions”: “Małe nacięcia w jamie brzusznej”,
“diagnosing and treating conditions”: “Diagnozowanie i leczenie stanów chorobowych”,
“Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)”: “Zapalenie narządów miednicy mniejszej (PID)”,
“Common Conditions Assessed with Laparoscopy”: “Typowe stany oceniane za pomocą laparoskopii”,
“Mammography”: “Mammografia”,
“X-ray imaging technique”: “Technika obrazowania rentgenowskiego”,
“screen for breast cancer”: “Badanie przesiewowe w kierunku raka piersi”,
“early detection of breast abnormalities”: “Wczesne wykrywanie nieprawidłowości w piersiach”,
“women over 40”: “Kobiety powyżej 40. roku życia”,
“Common Conditions Assessed with Mammography”: “Typowe stany oceniane za pomocą mammografii”,
“Breast cancer”: “Rak piersi”,
“Fibrocystic breast disease”: “Włóknisto-torbielowata choroba piersi”,
“Breast calcifications”: “Zwapnienia w piersiach”,
“Benign breast tumors”: “Łagodne guzy piersi”,
“Breast Ultrasound”: “USG piersi”,
“complementary imaging test”: “Uzupełniające badanie obrazowe”,
“dense breast tissue”: “Gęsta tkanka piersi”,
“evaluate breast lumps”: “Ocena guzków w piersiach”,
“Common Conditions Assessed with Breast Ultrasound”: “Typowe stany oceniane za pomocą USG piersi”,
“Breast lumps”: “Guzki piersi”,
“Fibroadenomas”: “Gruczolakowłókniaki”,
“Breast cysts”: “Torbiele piersi”,
“Endometrial Biopsy”: “Biopsja endometrium”,
“removing a small sample of tissue”: “Pobranie niewielkiej próbki tkanki”,
“lining of the uterus (endometrium)”: “Błona śluzowa macicy (endometrium)”,
“examine for abnormal cells”: “Badanie w kierunku nieprawidłowych komórek”,
“abnormal uterine bleeding”: “Nieprawidłowe krwawienie z macicy”,
“suspected endometrial cancer”: “Podejrzenie raka endometrium”,
“Common Conditions Assessed with Endometrial Biopsy”: “Typowe stany oceniane za pomocą biopsji endometrium”,
“Endometrial hyperplasia”: “Rozrost endometrium”,
“Uterine infections”: “Infekcje macicy”,
“Hormonal imbalances”: “Zaburzenia hormonalne”,
“Follicle-Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone Testing”: “Badanie poziomu FSH i LH”,
“FSH and LH testing”: “Badanie FSH i LH”,
“levels of these hormones”: “Poziomy tych hormonów”,
“regulate ovarian function”: “Regulowanie funkcji jajników”,
“menstrual cycles”: “Cykle menstruacyjne”,
“ovarian reserve”: “Rezerwa jajnikowa”,
“fertility status”: “Stan płodności”,
“Common Conditions Assessed with FSH and LH Testing”: “Typowe stany oceniane za pomocą badania FSH i LH”,
“Menopause”: “Menopauza”,
“Ovarian failure”: “Niewydolność jajników”,
“Genetic Testing”: “Badania genetyczne”,
“assess inherited conditions”: “Ocena dziedzicznych schorzeń”,
“BRCA mutations”: “Mutacje BRCA”,
“blood or tissue samples”: “Próbki krwi lub tkanek”,
“genetic mutations”: “Mutacje genetyczne”,
“Common Conditions Assessed with Genetic Testing”: “Typowe stany oceniane za pomocą badań genetycznych”,
“BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations”: “Mutacje BRCA1 i BRCA2”,
“Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome”: “Dziedziczny zespół raka piersi i jajnika”,
“Turner syndrome”: “Zespół Turnera”,
“Fragile X syndrome”: “Zespół łamliwego chromosomu X”,
“Inherited reproductive cancer”: “Dziedziczny rak układu rozrodczego”
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Szacowany czas lekcji:
9 minut
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Diagnostics Tests and Procedures
Diagnosing diseases of the female reproductive system involves various clinical evaluations and diagnostic tests to identify structural, hormonal, and functional abnormalities, as well as to detect infections and malignancies. These tests are essential for understanding reproductive health concerns, and doctors may refer patients for imaging, blood tests, or biopsy procedures to ensure a thorough assessment. Common diagnostic tests and procedures include:
Pelvic Ultrasound
Pelvic ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging technique used to visualize the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. It is commonly employed to detect cysts, fibroids, and other abnormalities within the reproductive organs. Transvaginal ultrasound provides a more detailed view, particularly useful in assessing early pregnancy or identifying ovarian conditions.
Common Conditions Assessed with Pelvic Ultrasound:
- Ovarian cysts
- Uterine fibroids
- Endometriosis
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Pap Smear (Pap Test)
A Pap smear is a screening test that involves collecting cells from the cervix to check for precancerous changes or cervical cancer. It is a crucial tool in early detection, typically performed during routine gynecological exams.
Common Conditions Assessed with Pap Smear:
- Cervical dysplasia
- Cervical cancer
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Testing
HPV testing detects the presence of high-risk HPV strains associated with cervical cancer. It is often conducted alongside a Pap smear, especially in women over 30, as part of cervical cancer screening.
Common Conditions Assessed with HPV Testing:
- Cervical cancer
- HPV infection
- Cervical dysplasia
Hysteroscopy involves inserting a thin, lighted scope through the cervix to view the inside of the uterus. This procedure allows for direct visualization of the uterine cavity and can be used to diagnose or treat conditions such as polyps, fibroids, or intrauterine adhesions.
Common Conditions Assessed with Hysteroscopy:
- Uterine polyps
- Fibroids
- Uterine adhesions (Asherman’s syndrome)
- Abnormal uterine bleeding
Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a camera to examine the pelvic organs through small abdominal incisions. It is particularly useful for diagnosing and treating conditions such as endometriosis and ovarian cysts.
Common Conditions Assessed with Laparoscopy:
- Endometriosis
- Ovarian cysts
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
- Uterine fibroids
Mammography is an X-ray imaging technique used to screen for breast cancer. Regular mammograms are recommended for early detection of breast abnormalities, especially in women over 40.
Common Conditions Assessed with Mammography:
- Breast cancer
- Fibrocystic breast disease
- Breast calcifications
- Benign breast tumors
Breast Ultrasound
Breast ultrasound is often used as a complementary imaging test to mammography, especially for women with dense breast tissue. It helps to further evaluate breast lumps or other abnormalities detected in mammograms.
Common Conditions Assessed with Breast Ultrasound:
- Breast lumps
- Fibroadenomas
- Breast cysts
- Breast cancer
Endometrial Biopsy
An endometrial biopsy involves removing a small sample of tissue from the lining of the uterus (endometrium) to examine for abnormal cells. It is often recommended for women with abnormal uterine bleeding or suspected endometrial cancer.
Common Conditions Assessed with Endometrial Biopsy:
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Endometrial cancer
- Uterine infections
- Hormonal imbalances
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone Testing
FSH and LH testing measures levels of these hormones, which regulate ovarian function and menstrual cycles. These tests are valuable in evaluating ovarian reserve, menopause, and fertility status.
Common Conditions Assessed with FSH and LH Testing:
- Menopause
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Infertility
- Ovarian failure
Genetic Testing
Genetic testing may be performed to assess inherited conditions affecting reproductive health, such as BRCA mutations linked to breast and ovarian cancer. This testing involves analyzing blood or tissue samples for genetic mutations associated with various conditions.
Common Conditions Assessed with Genetic Testing:
- BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations
- Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome
- Turner syndrome
- Fragile X syndrome