Diagnostyka chorób układu pokarmowego | Diagnostics of Digestive System Diseases

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tract”: “Przewód pokarmowy”, “Accessory organs”: “Narządy dodatkowe”, “Digestive health”: “Zdrowie układu pokarmowego”, “Imaging”: “Obrazowanie”, “Lab tests”: “Badania laboratoryjne”, “Endoscopic procedures”: “Procedury endoskopowe”, “Comprehensive evaluation”: “Kompleksowa ocena”, “Upper Endoscopy”: “Endoskopia górnego odcinka przewodu pokarmowego”, “Flexible tube”: “Elastyczna rurka”, “Camera”: “Kamera”, “Esophagus”: “Przełyk”, “Stomach”: “Żołądek”, “Small intestine”: “Jelito cienkie”, “Ulcers”: “Wrzody”, “Inflammation”: “Zapalenie”, “Tumors”: “Guzy”, “Biopsies”: “Biopsje”, “Conditions Assessed with Upper Endoscopy”: “Stany oceniane za pomocą endoskopii górnego odcinka”, “Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)”: “Choroba refluksowa przełyku (GERD)”, “Peptic ulcers”: “Wrzody trawienne”, “Esophagitis”: “Zapalenie przełyku”, “Gastric cancer”: “Rak żołądka”, “Celiac disease”: “Celiakia”, “Colonoscopy”: “Kolonoskopia”, “Flexible camera”: “Elastyczna kamera”, “Rectum”: “Odbytnica”, “Colon”: “Jelito grube”, “Colorectal cancer screening”: “Badanie przesiewowe w kierunku raka jelita grubego”, “Polyps”: “Polipy”, “Large intestine abnormalities”: “Nieprawidłowości jelita grubego”, “Conditions Assessed with Colonoscopy”: “Stany oceniane za pomocą kolonoskopii”, “Colorectal cancer”: “Rak jelita grubego”, “Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)”: “Nieswoiste zapalenia jelit (IBD)”, “Colon polyps”: “Polipy jelita grubego”, “Diverticulosis”: “Uchyłkowatość”, “Rectal bleeding”: “Krwawienie z odbytu”, “Abdominal Ultrasound”: “USG jamy brzusznej”, “Sound waves”: “Fale dźwiękowe”, “Liver”: “Wątroba”, “Gallbladder”: “Pęcherzyk żółciowy”, “Pancreas”: “Trzustka”, “Spleen”: “Śledziona”, “Gallstones”: “Kamienie żółciowe”, “Liver disease”: “Choroby wątroby”, “Abdominal abnormalities”: “Nieprawidłowości w jamie brzusznej”, “Conditions Assessed with Abdominal Ultrasound”: “Stany oceniane za pomocą USG jamy brzusznej”, “Liver cirrhosis”: “Marskość wątroby”, “Pancreatitis”: “Zapalenie trzustki”, “Abdominal tumors”: “Guzy jamy brzusznej”, “Fatty liver disease”: “Stłuszczenie wątroby”, “Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)”: “Badanie na krew utajoną w kale (FOBT)”, “Stool test”: “Badanie stolca”, “Hidden blood”: “Krew utajona”, “Conditions Assessed with FOBT”: “Stany oceniane za pomocą badania FOBT”, “Gastrointestinal bleeding”: “Krwawienie z przewodu pokarmowego”, “Liver Function Tests (LFTs)”: “Testy czynności wątroby (LFTs)”, “Blood tests”: “Badania krwi”, “Liver function”: “Funkcja wątroby”, “Enzymes”: “Enzymy”, “Proteins”: “Białka”, “Bile duct function”: “Funkcja dróg żółciowych”, “Conditions Assessed with LFTs”: “Stany oceniane za pomocą testów czynności wątroby”, “Hepatitis”: “Zapalenie wątroby”, “Gallbladder disease”: “Choroby pęcherzyka żółciowego”, “Liver cancer”: “Rak wątroby”, “Barium Swallow”: “Badanie z połykaniem barytu”, “X-ray test”: “Badanie rentgenowskie”, “Barium solution”: “Roztwór barytu”, “Digestive tract”: “Przewód pokarmowy”, “Esophageal strictures”: “Zwężenia przełyku”, “Hiatal hernia”: “Przepuklina rozworu przełykowego”, “Swallowing disorders”: “Zaburzenia połykania”, “Esophageal cancer”: “Rak przełyku”, “Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of the Abdomen”: “Tomografia komputerowa (TK) jamy brzusznej”, “Tumors”: “Guzy”, “Infections”: “Infekcje”, “Inflammation”: “Zapalenie”, “Contrast”: “Kontrast”, “Conditions Assessed with Abdominal CT Scan”: “Stany oceniane za pomocą TK jamy brzusznej”, “Pancreatic cancer”: “Rak trzustki”, “Appendicitis”: “Zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego”, “Diverticulitis”: “Zapalenie uchyłków”, “Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Abdomen”: “Rezonans magnetyczny (MRI) jamy brzusznej”, “Radiation-free imaging”: “Obrazowanie bez promieniowania”, “Conditions Assessed with Abdominal MRI”: “Stany oceniane za pomocą MRI jamy brzusznej”, “Biliary tract obstructions”: “Zablokowania dróg żółciowych”, “Capsule Endoscopy”: “Endoskopia kapsułkowa”, “Capsule camera”: “Kamera w kapsułce”, “Small intestine”: “Jelito cienkie”, “Conditions Assessed with Capsule Endoscopy”: “Stany oceniane za pomocą endoskopii kapsułkowej”, “Small intestine tumors”: “Guzy jelita cienkiego”, “H. Pylori Test”: “Test na Helicobacter pylori”, “Helicobacter pylori”: “Helicobacter pylori”, “Peptic ulcers”: “Wrzody trawienne”, “Chronic gastritis”: “Przewlekłe zapalenie błony śluzowej żołądka”, “Refer patients”: “Kierowanie pacjentów”, “Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)”: “Ezofagogastroduodenoskopia”, “Large intestine”: “Jelito grube”, “Liver Function Tests (LFTs)”: “Testy czynności wątroby”, “Cirrhosis”: “Marskość wątroby”, “Liver cancer”: “Rak wątroby”, “Crohn’s disease”: “Choroba Crohna”, “Gastritis”: “Zapalenie błony śluzowej żołądka”, “Stomach cancer”: “Rak żołądka” }; // Normalize keys in the dictionary const normalizedWordsToTooltip = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(wordsToTooltip)) { const cleanedKey = key.replace(/(.*?)/g, ”).trim(); // Remove anything in parentheses normalizedWordsToTooltip[cleanedKey.toLowerCase()] = value; } function processNode(node) { if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.nodeValue.trim()) { let content = node.nodeValue; // Regex to match only the main words (ignores parentheses) const regex = new RegExp( `\b(${Object.keys(normalizedWordsToTooltip).join(‘|’)})\b`, ‘gi’ ); 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Szacowany czas lekcji: 8 minut
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Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

Diagnosing digestive system diseases involves clinical evaluations and diagnostic tests to identify structural, functional, and inflammatory conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract and accessory organs. These tests are vital for assessing digestive health, and physicians may refer patients for imaging, lab tests, or endoscopic procedures to ensure a comprehensive evaluation. Common diagnostic tests and procedures include:

Upper Endoscopy (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD)

An upper endoscopy involves inserting a flexible tube with a camera through the mouth to examine the esophagus, stomach, and upper part of the small intestine. It helps identify conditions like ulcers, inflammation, and tumors. Biopsies may also be taken for further analysis.

Common Conditions Assessed with Upper Endoscopy:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Esophagitis
  • Gastric cancer
  • Celiac disease


Colonoscopy involves inserting a flexible camera through the rectum to examine the entire colon. This test is commonly used for colorectal cancer screening and detecting polyps, inflammation, and other abnormalities in the large intestine.

Common Conditions Assessed with Colonoscopy:

  • Colorectal cancer
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Colon polyps
  • Diverticulosis
  • Rectal bleeding

Abdominal Ultrasound

Abdominal ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of organs in the abdomen, including the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen. It is commonly used to detect gallstones, liver disease, and other abdominal abnormalities.

Common Conditions Assessed with Abdominal Ultrasound:

  • Gallstones
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Abdominal tumors
  • Fatty liver disease

Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)

The FOBT is a stool test used to detect hidden (occult) blood in the stool, which may be an early sign of colorectal cancer or other digestive tract conditions.

Common Conditions Assessed with FOBT:

  • Colorectal cancer
  • Colon polyps
  • Diverticulosis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding

Liver Function Tests (LFTs)

LFTs are blood tests that measure enzymes and proteins in the blood to assess liver function and detect liver disease or damage. These tests are commonly used to monitor liver conditions and assess bile duct function.

Common Conditions Assessed with LFTs:

  • Hepatitis
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Liver cancer

Barium Swallow (Upper GI Series)

A barium swallow is an X-ray test where the patient drinks a barium solution, which coats the lining of the upper digestive tract, making it visible on X-rays. This test is useful for identifying structural abnormalities in the esophagus and stomach.

Common Conditions Assessed with Barium Swallow:

  • Esophageal strictures
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Swallowing disorders
  • Esophageal cancer

Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of the Abdomen

A CT scan provides detailed images of the abdomen, allowing for assessment of various abdominal organs. It is often used to detect tumors, infections, and inflammation within the digestive system. CT scans with contrast are particularly useful for detailed visualization.

Common Conditions Assessed with Abdominal CT Scan:

  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Liver tumors
  • Appendicitis
  • Diverticulitis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Abdomen

MRI provides detailed images of the abdominal organs and is often used for assessing liver, pancreas, and bile ducts. MRIs are valuable for detecting tumors and monitoring chronic liver disease without radiation exposure.

Common Conditions Assessed with Abdominal MRI:

  • Liver cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Biliary tract obstructions
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Fatty liver disease

Capsule Endoscopy

Capsule endoscopy involves swallowing a small capsule with a camera that captures images as it travels through the digestive tract. It is particularly useful for visualizing the small intestine, which is difficult to access with traditional endoscopy.

Common Conditions Assessed with Capsule Endoscopy:

  • Crohn’s disease
  • Small intestine tumors
  • Celiac disease
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Polyps in the small intestine

H. Pylori Test

The H. pylori test detects the presence of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium associated with peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis. Testing can be performed using breath, stool, or blood samples.

Common Conditions Assessed with H. Pylori Test:

  • Peptic ulcers
  • Gastritis
  • Stomach cancer