Diagnostyka chorób Układu Sercowo-Naczyniowego | Diagnostics of Cardiovascular System diseases

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diagnostyczne”, “Heart function”: “Funkcja serca”, “Abnormalities”: “Nieprawidłowości”, “Cardiovascular conditions”: “Stany sercowo-naczyniowe”, “Initial assessment”: “Ocena wstępna”, “Specialized tests”: “Badania specjalistyczne”, “Electrocardiogram”: “Elektrokardiogram”, “ECG”: “Elektrokardiogram (EKG)”, “Electrical activity”: “Aktywność elektryczna”, “Cardiac abnormalities”: “Nieprawidłowości serca”, “Arrhythmias”: “Arytmie”, “Myocardial infarction”: “Zawał mięśnia sercowego”, “Heart attack”: “Atak serca”, “Electrical patterns”: “Wzorce elektryczne”, “Non-invasive”: “Nieinwazyjny”, “Cardiac assessment”: “Ocena serca”, “Structural heart issues”: “Problemy strukturalne serca”, “Asymptomatic coronary artery disease”: “Bezobjawowa choroba wieńcowa”, “Atrial fibrillation”: “Migotanie przedsionków”, “Ventricular tachycardia”: “Tachykardia komorowa”, “Pericarditis”: “Zapalenie osierdzia”, “Electrolyte imbalances”: “Zaburzenia równowagi elektrolitowej”, “Heart rhythm”: “Rytmy serca”, “Heart block”: “Blok serca”, “Echocardiography”: “Echokardiografia”, “Cardiac Ultrasound”: “Ultrasonografia serca”, “Ultrasound waves”: “Fale ultradźwiękowe”, “Heart structures”: “Struktury serca”, “Transthoracic echocardiography”: “Echokardiografia przezklatkowa”, “TTE”: “Echokardiografia przezklatkowa (TTE)”, “Transesophageal echocardiography”: “Echokardiografia przezprzełykowa”, “TEE”: “Echokardiografia przezprzełykowa (TEE)”, “Heart valves”: “Zastawki serca”, “Heart valve disease”: “Choroba zastawek serca”, “Aortic stenosis”: “Zwężenie zastawki aortalnej”, “Mitral regurgitation”: “Niedomykalność zastawki mitralnej”, “Heart failure”: “Niewydolność serca”, “Cardiomyopathy”: “Kardiomiopatia”, “Congenital heart defects”: “Wrodzone wady serca”, “Pericardial effusion”: “Wysięk osierdziowy”, “Cardiac Stress Test”: “Test wysiłkowy serca”, “Physical stress”: “Obciążenie fizyczne”, “Pharmacological stress”: “Obciążenie farmakologiczne”, “Treadmill”: “Bieżnia”, “Heart rate”: “Tętno”, “Blood pressure”: “Ciśnienie krwi”, “Dobutamine”: “Dobutamina”, “Adenosine”: “Adenozyna”, “Coronary artery disease”: “Choroba wieńcowa”, “Exercise-induced arrhythmias”: “Arytmie wysiłkowe”, “Myocardial ischemia”: “Niedokrwienie mięśnia sercowego”, “Cardiac Catheterization”: “Cewnikowanie serca”, “Coronary Angiography”: “Koronarografia”, “Invasive procedure”: “Procedura inwazyjna”, “Heart blood vessels”: “Naczynia krwionośne serca”, “Catheter”: “Cewnik”, “Contrast dye”: “Środek kontrastowy”, “Coronary arteries”: “Tętnice wieńcowe”, “X-ray imaging”: “Obrazowanie rentgenowskie”, “Therapeutic purpose”: “Cel terapeutyczny”, “Stents”: “Stenty”, “Pulmonary hypertension”: “Nadciśnienie płucne”, “Pressure”: “Ciśnienie”, “Cardiac MRI”: “Rezonans magnetyczny serca”, “Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging”: “Obrazowanie rezonansu magnetycznego serca”, “Magnetic fields”: “Pola magnetyczne”, “Radio waves”: “Fale radiowe”, “Tissue characterization”: “Charakterystyka tkanek”, “Myocardial scarring”: “Bliznowacenie mięśnia sercowego”, “Cardiomyopathies”: “Kardiomiopatie”, “Myocarditis”: “Zapalenie mięśnia sercowego”, “Holter monitor”: “Monitor Holtera”, “Portable ECG”: “Przenośne EKG”, “Continuous heart activity”: “Ciągła rejestracja aktywności serca”, “Intermittent arrhythmias”: “Okresowe arytmie”, “Palpitations”: “Kołatanie serca”, “Dizziness”: “Zawroty głowy”, “Chest pain”: “Ból w klatce piersiowej”, “Pacemaker function”: “Funkcja stymulatora serca”, “Heart rate variability”: “Zmienność rytmu serca”, “Coronary Calcium Scan”: “Badanie zwapnień tętnic wieńcowych”, “Heart Scan”: “Skan serca”, “CT scan”: “Tomografia komputerowa”, “Calcium deposits”: “Złogi wapnia”, “Calcified plaque”: “Zwapniała blaszka”, “Cardiovascular risk”: “Ryzyko sercowo-naczyniowe”, “Blood tests”: “Badania krwi”, “Cardiac markers”: “Markery sercowe”, “Troponin”: “Troponina”, “Creatine kinase-MB”: “Kinaza kreatynowa-MB”, “CK-MB”: “Kinaza kreatynowa-MB”, “B-type natriuretic peptide”: “Peptyd natriuretyczny typu B”, “BNP”: “Peptyd natriuretyczny typu B”, “Heart muscle damage”: “Uszkodzenie mięśnia sercowego”, “Risk assessment”: “Ocena ryzyka”, “Cardiac CT”: “Tomografia komputerowa serca”, “Structural heart problems”: “Problemy strukturalne serca”, “Aortic aneurysms”: “Tętniaki aorty”, “Pulmonary embolism”: “Zatorowość płucna”, “Cardiac Electrophysiology Study”: “Badanie elektrofizjologiczne serca”, “EPS”: “Badanie elektrofizjologiczne serca”, “Electrical system”: “Układ elektryczny”, “Catheters”: “Cewniki”, “Supraventricular tachycardia”: “Tachykardia nadkomorowa”, “SVT”: “Tachykardia nadkomorowa”, “Ventricular tachycardia”: “Tachykardia komorowa”, “Obese patients”: “Pacjenci otyli”, “Heart conditions”: “Choroby serca”, “Pericardial disease”: “Choroba osierdzia”, “Syncope”: “Omdlenie”, “Coronary artery calcium”: “Wapń w tętnicach wieńcowych”, “Atherosclerosis”: “Miażdżyca”, “Asymptomatic”: “Bezobjawowy”, “Cardiovascular disease”: “Choroba sercowo-naczyniowa”, “Catheter ablation”: “Ablacja cewnikowa”, “Pacemaker”: “Rozrusznik”, “defibrillator placement”: “umieszczenie defibrylatora” }; // Normalize keys in the dictionary const normalizedWordsToTooltip = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(wordsToTooltip)) { const cleanedKey = key.replace(/(.*?)/g, ”).trim(); // Remove anything in parentheses normalizedWordsToTooltip[cleanedKey.toLowerCase()] = value; } function processNode(node) { if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.nodeValue.trim()) { let content = node.nodeValue; // Regex to match only the main words (ignores parentheses) const regex = new RegExp( `b(${Object.keys(normalizedWordsToTooltip).join(‘|’)})b`, ‘gi’ ); if (regex.test(content)) { const wrapper = document.createElement(‘span’); wrapper.innerHTML = content.replace(regex, (match) => { const tooltip = normalizedWordsToTooltip[match.toLowerCase().trim()]; return `${match}`; }); node.replaceWith(wrapper); } } else if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { 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wieńcowa”, “atrial fibrillation”: “migotanie przedsionków”, “ventricular tachycardia”: “tachykardia komorowa”, “pericarditis”: “zapalenie osierdzia”, “electrolyte imbalances”: “zaburzenia równowagi elektrolitowej”, “heart rhythm”: “rytmy serca”, “heart block”: “blok serca”, “Echocardiography”: “Echokardiografia”, “Cardiac Ultrasound”: “Ultrasonografia serca”, “ultrasound waves”: “fale ultradźwiękowe”, “heart structures”: “struktury serca”, “Transthoracic echocardiography”: “Echokardiografia przezklatkowa”, “TTE”: “Echokardiografia przezklatkowa (TTE)”, “Transesophageal echocardiography”: “Echokardiografia przezprzełykowa”, “TEE”: “Echokardiografia przezprzełykowa (TEE)”, “heart valves”: “zastawki serca”, “Heart valve disease”: “Choroba zastawek serca”, “aortic stenosis”: “zwężenie zastawki aortalnej”, “mitral regurgitation”: “niedomykalność zastawki mitralnej”, “Heart failure”: “Niewydolność serca”, “Cardiomyopathy”: “Kardiomiopatia”, “Congenital heart defects”: “Wrodzone wady serca”, “Pericardial effusion”: “Wysięk osierdziowy”, “Cardiac Stress Test”: “Test wysiłkowy serca”, “physical stress”: “obciążenie fizyczne”, “pharmacological stress”: “obciążenie farmakologiczne”, “treadmill”: “bieżnia”, “heart rate”: “tętno”, “blood pressure”: “ciśnienie krwi”, “dobutamine”: “dobutamina”, “adenosine”: “adenozyna”, “Coronary artery disease”: “Choroba wieńcowa”, “Exercise-induced arrhythmias”: “Arytmie wysiłkowe”, “Myocardial ischemia”: “Niedokrwienie mięśnia sercowego”, “Cardiac Catheterization”: “Cewnikowanie serca”, “Coronary Angiography”: “Koronarografia”, “invasive procedure”: “procedura inwazyjna”, “heart blood vessels”: “naczynia krwionośne serca”, “catheter”: “cewnik”, “contrast dye”: “środek kontrastowy”, “coronary arteries”: “tętnice wieńcowe”, “X-ray imaging”: “obrazowanie rentgenowskie”, “therapeutic purpose”: “cel terapeutyczny”, “stents”: “stenty”, “Pulmonary hypertension”: “Nadciśnienie płucne”, “pressure”: “ciśnienie”, “Cardiac MRI”: “Rezonans magnetyczny serca”, “Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging”: “Obrazowanie rezonansu magnetycznego serca”, “magnetic fields”: “pola magnetyczne”, “radio waves”: “fale radiowe”, “tissue characterization”: “charakterystyka tkanek”, “myocardial scarring”: “bliznowacenie mięśnia sercowego”, “Cardiomyopathies”: “Kardiomiopatie”, “Myocarditis”: “Zapalenie mięśnia sercowego”, “Holter monitor”: “Monitor Holtera”, “portable ECG”: “przenośne EKG”, “continuous heart activity”: “ciągła rejestracja aktywności serca”, “intermittent arrhythmias”: “okresowe arytmie”, “palpitations”: “kołatanie serca”, “dizziness”: “zawroty głowy”, “chest pain”: “ból w klatce piersiowej”, “pacemaker function”: “funkcja stymulatora serca”, “heart rate variability”: “zmienność rytmu serca”, “Coronary Calcium Scan”: “Badanie zwapnień tętnic wieńcowych”, “Heart Scan”: “Skan serca”, “CT scan”: “tomografia komputerowa”, “calcium deposits”: “złogi wapnia”, “calcified plaque”: “zwapniała blaszka”, “cardiovascular risk”: “ryzyko sercowo-naczyniowe”, “Blood tests”: “Badania krwi”, “cardiac markers”: “markery sercowe”, “troponin”: “troponina”, “creatine kinase-MB”: “kinaza kreatynowa-MB”, “CK-MB”: “Kinaza kreatynowa-MB (CK-MB)”, “B-type natriuretic peptide”: “Peptyd natriuretyczny typu B”, “BNP”: “Peptyd natriuretyczny typu B (BNP)”, “heart muscle damage”: “uszkodzenie mięśnia sercowego”, “risk assessment”: “ocena ryzyka”, “Cardiac CT”: “Tomografia komputerowa serca”, “Structural heart problems”: “Problemy strukturalne serca”, “Aortic aneurysms”: “Tętniaki aorty”, “Pulmonary embolism”: “Zatorowość płucna”, “Cardiac Electrophysiology Study”: “Badanie elektrofizjologiczne serca”, “EPS”: “Badanie elektrofizjologiczne serca (EPS)”, “electrical system”: “układ elektryczny”, “catheters”: “cewniki”, “Supraventricular tachycardia”: “Tachykardia nadkomorowa”, “SVT”: “Tachykardia nadkomorowa (SVT)”, “Ventricular tachycardia”: “Tachykardia komorowa”, “Unexplained syncope”: “Niewyjaśnione omdlenie” }; // Normalize keys in 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Szacowany czas lekcji: 10 minut
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Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, making early and precise diagnosis essential for improving patient outcomes. Physicians use a range of diagnostic tests to evaluate heart function, detect abnormalities, and assess the severity of cardiovascular conditions. After an initial assessment, the doctor may refer the patient for further specialized tests to ensure a thorough evaluation. Common diagnostic tests and procedures include:

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An electrocardiogram (ECG) records the electrical activity of the heart and is a primary tool for diagnosing cardiac abnormalities. It can identify arrhythmias, myocardial infarction (heart attack), and other heart conditions by analyzing the heart’s electrical patterns. The test is non-invasive and quick, often serving as the first step in cardiac assessment. However, an ECG may not detect underlying structural heart issues or asymptomatic coronary artery disease.

Common Conditions Assessed with ECG:

  • Arrhythmias (e.g., atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia)
  • Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
  • Pericarditis
  • Electrolyte imbalances affecting heart rhythm
  • Heart block

Echocardiography (Cardiac Ultrasound)

Echocardiography uses ultrasound waves to create images of the heart’s structures and assess its function. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is the standard approach, while transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is used for clearer views of the heart’s structures, especially in obese patients or when detailed images of the heart valves are needed.

Common Conditions Assessed with Echocardiography:

  • Heart valve disease (e.g., aortic stenosis, mitral regurgitation)
  • Heart failure
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Congenital heart defects
  • Pericardial effusion

Cardiac Stress Test

A cardiac stress test evaluates the heart’s performance under physical or pharmacological stress. The patient exercises on a treadmill or uses medication to increase heart activity, while heart rate, blood pressure, and ECG readings are monitored. If the patient cannot exercise, medications such as dobutamine or adenosine are used to simulate the effects of exercise.

Common Conditions Assessed with Cardiac Stress Test:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Exercise-induced arrhythmias
  • Myocardial ischemia
  • Assessment of treatment effectiveness in heart conditions

Cardiac Catheterization (Coronary Angiography)

Cardiac catheterization is an invasive procedure that provides detailed information about the heart’s blood vessels. A catheter is inserted into a blood vessel and guided to the heart, allowing for the injection of contrast dye to visualize coronary arteries under X-ray imaging. Besides diagnosing coronary artery disease and evaluating heart function, it can also serve a therapeutic purpose, such as placing stents to open blocked arteries.

Common Conditions Assessed with Cardiac Catheterization:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Heart valve disease
  • Congenital heart defects
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Assessment of heart function and pressure

Cardiac MRI

Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the heart, providing superior tissue characterization compared to echocardiography or CT. It is especially useful for diagnosing myocardial scarring, cardiomyopathies, and congenital heart defects.

Common Conditions Assessed with Cardiac MRI:

  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Myocardial infarction (extent of heart damage)
  • Congenital heart defects
  • Pericardial disease
  • Myocarditis

Holter Monitor

A Holter monitor is a portable ECG device worn by the patient for 24-48 hours to record continuous heart activity. It helps diagnose intermittent arrhythmias that may not be detected during a standard ECG. Patients are instructed to keep a diary of their activities and symptoms, noting any episodes of palpitations, dizziness, or chest pain, which helps correlate symptoms with ECG findings.

Common Conditions Assessed with Holter Monitor:

  • Intermittent arrhythmias
  • Palpitations
  • Syncope (fainting)
  • Evaluation of pacemaker function
  • Monitoring heart rate variability

Coronary Calcium Scan (Heart Scan)

A coronary calcium scan uses a specialized CT scan to detect calcium deposits in the coronary arteries. It assesses the risk of coronary artery disease by quantifying the amount of calcified plaque. This test is typically recommended for patients at intermediate risk of coronary artery disease to guide preventive treatment strategies based on the coronary artery calcium (CAC) score.

Common Conditions Assessed with Coronary Calcium Scan:

  • Coronary artery disease risk
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Assessment of cardiovascular risk in asymptomatic patients

Blood Tests for Cardiac Markers

Blood tests for cardiac markers, such as troponin, creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB), and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), detect heart damage and assess heart function. Elevated troponin levels indicate heart muscle damage, commonly seen in heart attacks, while BNP levels are used to diagnose and monitor heart failure. In acute settings, troponin levels are measured repeatedly over several hours to monitor the extent of heart damage and guide treatment.

Common Conditions Assessed with Blood Tests:

  • Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
  • Heart failure
  • Myocarditis
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Risk assessment for cardiovascular disease

Cardiac CT

Cardiac CT provides detailed images of the heart and coronary arteries, offering a non-invasive alternative to traditional coronary angiography. It is often used to detect coronary artery disease, structural heart problems, and congenital heart defects.

Common Conditions Assessed with Cardiac CT:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Aortic aneurysms
  • Structural heart abnormalities
  • Pulmonary embolism (in some cases)
  • Congenital heart defects

Cardiac Electrophysiology Study (EPS)

An electrophysiology study (EPS) assesses the heart’s electrical system to identify the cause of arrhythmias. Electrodes placed inside the heart through catheters map electrical activity and determine the origin of abnormal rhythms. The information from EPS can guide treatment decisions, such as the need for catheter ablation to treat the arrhythmia.

Common Conditions Assessed with EPS:

  • Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
  • Ventricular tachycardia
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Evaluation for pacemaker or defibrillator placement
  • Unexplained syncope