Read the case study and complete the whole lesson. Afterward, answer the questions related to the clinical case. This practical exercise will help you apply your newly acquired knowledge to real-world scenarios and improve your critical thinking skills.
Case study:
Amy Johnson, a 35-year-old woman, visited her gynecologist, Dr. Anderson, complaining of irregular menstrual cycles and pelvic pain. She also shared concerns about difficulty in conceiving despite actively trying to get pregnant for the last two years.Amy’s medical history revealed no significant issues, and she was generally healthy. She mentioned experiencing painful periods with heavy bleeding and intense cramps, often needing over-the-counter pain medication.Upon examination, Dr. Anderson noted tenderness in Amy’s lower abdomen and decided to perform a pelvic ultrasound. The ultrasound revealed the presence of uterine fibroids, benign growths within the uterine wall.Dr. Anderson explained that the fibroids could be responsible for Amy’s symptoms and infertility. He recommended a hysterosalpingography (HSG) to assess the fallopian tubes’ condition and their ability to transport eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.The HSG results showed that Amy’s fallopian tubes were clear and functioning well. However, due to the fibroids’ size and location, Dr. Anderson suggested a minimally invasive surgical procedure called hysteroscopic myomectomy to remove the fibroids.
After completing the lesson, students should be able to answer the following questions related to Amy’s case:
Prefix | Meaning | Example |
Ante- | Before | Antepartum (before childbirth) |
Dys- | Painful, difficult | Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) |
Endo- | Within | Endometriosis (growth in the uterus) |
Multi- | Many | Multigravida (multiple pregnancies) |
Nulli- | None | Nullipara (woman who never gave birth) |
Peri- | Around | Perineum (area around the vagina and anus) |
Combining Form | Meaning | Example |
Cervic/o | Cervix/neck | Cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) |
Colp/o | Vagina | Colposcopy (examination of the vagina) |
Gynec/o | Woman, female | Gynecology (study of female health) |
Oophor/o | Ovary | Oophorectomy (removal of an ovary) |
Salping/o | Fallopian tube | Salpingitis (inflammation of fallopian tubes) |
Uter/o | Uterus | Uterine (related to the uterus) |
Suffix | Meaning | Example |
-algia | Pain | Dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse) |
-ectomy | Surgical removal of | Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) |
-itis | Inflammation | Endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining) |
-plasty | Surgical repair | Episiotomy (surgical repair of the perineum) |
-rrhagia | Excessive flow | Menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding) |
-salpinx | Fallopian tube | Salpingectomy (removal of fallopian tubes) |