Zbieranie wywiadu z zakresu układu nerwowego | Taking a Nervous System History

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Szacowany czas lekcji: 14 minut
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Opening Consultation

Before starting, review the patient’s medical records for relevant neurological history if available.

Confirm the patient’s identity politely.

Teraz ty powiedz:

  • Mr. Jones? This way, please.
  • Ms. Jones? Please come in.
  • Could I please confirm your full name and date of birth?
  • Just to confirm, your name and date of birth?
  • Your full name and date of birth, please.

Introduce yourself warmly, stating your name and role.

Teraz ty powiedz:

  • Hello, I’m Dr. Jones. How can I help you today?
  • Good morning/afternoon, I’m Dr. Jones. What brings you in today?
  • Hi, I’m Dr. Jones. What would you like to discuss today?

Chief Complaint (CC)

The Chief Complaint (CC) refers to the main neurological symptom or concern that prompts a patient to seek medical care. Complaints related to the nervous system can reflect a range of disorders impacting the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, or sensory systems. Understanding these common complaints aids in forming an initial clinical impression and guiding a focused neurological examination. Typical complaints include:

HeadacheHeadaches vary in type and severity, from mild tension headaches to severe migraines. Tension headaches often feel like a tight band around the head, while migraines may be throbbing, unilateral, and associated with symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light and sound. Severe, sudden-onset headaches (e.g., “thunderclap” headaches) may signal more serious conditions like subarachnoid hemorrhage and require urgent evaluation.
Dizziness and VertigoDizziness can refer to a general feeling of lightheadedness or imbalance, while vertigo is a sensation of spinning or movement. Vertigo often suggests issues in the inner ear or vestibular system, while dizziness may indicate blood flow changes, dehydration, or neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis. Symptoms may be episodic or continuous, impacting daily functioning and safety, particularly in elderly patients.
SeizuresSeizures are episodes of uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain, resulting in symptoms ranging from brief staring spells to full-body convulsions. Causes can include epilepsy, infections, traumatic brain injury, or metabolic abnormalities. A detailed seizure history (type, duration, frequency, and triggers) is essential for diagnosis and management.
Numbness and TinglingNumbness or paresthesia often presents in specific areas (e.g., hands, feet) and may indicate peripheral neuropathy, spinal nerve compression, or systemic conditions like diabetes or vitamin deficiencies. Sudden onset or hemibody numbness could suggest a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) and requires immediate attention.
WeaknessWeakness can be generalized or focal, affecting specific muscles or muscle groups. Conditions causing weakness range from neuromuscular disorders (e.g., myasthenia gravis) to stroke, spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis. Differentiating true weakness from fatigue or pain-limited strength is crucial for accurate diagnosis.
Memory LossMemory impairment varies from mild forgetfulness to severe amnesia. Common in aging, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can progress to dementia. Conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, or head injury can contribute to memory loss. A detailed history of the progression, associated symptoms, and impact on daily life is essential.
Speech DisturbancesSpeech issues include aphasia (difficulty in speaking or understanding language) and dysarthria (difficulty articulating words). Aphasia often results from damage to specific brain areas, like in stroke, while dysarthria may stem from nerve or muscle weakness affecting speech. Evaluation of onset, progression, and associated symptoms is key to diagnosis.
Visual ChangesVisual complaints range from blurry vision and double vision (diplopia) to partial or complete vision loss. Causes include optic neuritis, retinal detachment, stroke, or brain tumors. A sudden or progressive pattern, along with associated symptoms like eye pain or headaches, can provide diagnostic clues.
Sleep DisordersSleep disturbances encompass insomnia, hypersomnia, and disorders like restless legs syndrome. They may stem from neurological, psychiatric, or environmental factors and affect overall quality of life. In severe cases, sleep apnea may cause significant daytime fatigue and cardiovascular risk.
Gait and Balance ProblemsDifficulty with walking or balance may indicate issues with the cerebellum, inner ear, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves. Conditions like Parkinson’s disease, stroke, or cerebellar ataxia may present with abnormal gait patterns. History of falls, unsteadiness, and progression of symptoms aid in diagnosis.

History of Present Illness

Headaches are a common neurological complaint, and their causes range from benign tension headaches to serious, life-threatening conditions. A systematic approach using the OLD CARTS mnemonic is essential to comprehensively evaluate headache characteristics, identify potential red flags, and guide clinical decision-making.

OLD CARTS Assessment of Headaches

O – Onset: Understanding when the headache began can help differentiate between primary and secondary headache disorders. Sudden onset, such as a “thunderclap” headache, may indicate a subarachnoid hemorrhage or vascular cause, while gradual onset is more typical of tension-type or cluster headaches.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Onset:

  • When did the headache first start?
  • Did the headache come on suddenly, or did it build up gradually?
  • Have you experienced a similar headache before?
  • Was there a specific incident or activity that seemed to trigger it?

L – Location: The location of the headache can offer clues about the type. Migraines are often unilateral, while tension-type headaches tend to be bilateral and band-like. Cluster headaches are typically localized around one eye, and sinus headaches are commonly felt in the forehead or cheek area.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Location:

  • Where exactly do you feel the headache?
  • Is the pain on one side of your head or on both sides?
  • Do you feel the pain around your eyes, forehead, or back of the head?
  • Is the pain deep within your head or closer to the surface?

D – Duration: Duration helps in distinguishing between episodic and chronic headaches. Migraine episodes can last from a few hours to several days, while cluster headaches occur in shorter, repetitive bursts. Chronic headaches, such as chronic migraine, occur on more than 15 days per month for at least three months.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Duration:

  • How long does each headache episode typically last?
  • Is this headache constant, or does it come and go?
  • Have the duration or frequency of your headaches changed over time?
  • Do they tend to last minutes, hours, or even days?

C – Character: Describing the nature of the pain is crucial. Migraines are often throbbing or pulsating, whereas tension-type headaches are usually dull and pressing. A stabbing or excruciating quality around one eye might indicate a cluster headache.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Character:

  • How would you describe the pain—throbbing, pressing, sharp, or dull?
  • Is it a steady ache, or does it pulsate?
  • Does the pain feel like pressure, or is it stabbing?
  • Would you say the pain feels mild, moderate, or severe?

A – Associated Symptoms: Symptoms accompanying the headache can provide diagnostic clues. Migraines often involve nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound, while cluster headaches may present with tearing, nasal congestion, or restlessness. Neurological signs, such as vision changes or weakness, may suggest more serious conditions like stroke or tumor.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Associated Symptoms:

  • Are you experiencing any nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light or sound?
  • Do you notice any visual changes, such as flashing lights or blind spots?
  • Is there tearing, nasal congestion, or drooping around one eye?
  • Have you had any recent fever, neck stiffness, or neurological changes?

R – Radiation: While headaches don’t typically radiate like pain from musculoskeletal issues, asking if the pain spreads to other areas, such as the neck or face, can help identify cervicogenic or referred headache pain.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Radiation:

  • Does the pain spread to other areas, like your neck or face?
  • Do you feel pressure or discomfort radiating to your temples or jaw?
  • Is the pain affecting areas beyond your head, such as your eyes or neck?

T – Timing: Timing and pattern of the headache are important. Migraines often have identifiable triggers and follow a predictable pattern, while cluster headaches occur in cyclical patterns, commonly at the same time each day. Timing can also relate to situational factors, like increased headaches in the morning in patients with sleep apnea.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Timing:

  • Is there a specific time of day when the headaches are worse?
  • Do you notice a pattern, like headaches occurring in the morning or at night?
  • Are your headaches linked to certain situations or activities?
  • Have your headaches become more frequent or predictable over time?

S – Severity: Assessing the severity on a scale from 0 to 10 helps quantify the headache’s impact on daily life and provides a benchmark for future comparison. Severe headaches that disrupt daily activities, require bed rest, or prompt emergency visits may indicate the need for specialized evaluation.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Severity:

  • On a scale of 0 to 10, how severe is your headache?
  • Is the headache severe enough to disrupt your daily activities?
  • Would you describe the headache as mild, moderate, or intense?
  • Do you need to lie down or rest in a dark room because of the pain?

Past Medical History

Understanding the patient’s past medical history is crucial for identifying underlying neurological conditions or other factors contributing to nervous system complaints:

  • Migraine or Other Headaches: A history of migraines or other chronic headaches can provide insight into recurrent or familial neurological conditions.
  • Seizures or Epilepsy: A past diagnosis of epilepsy or seizure disorder may indicate a need for ongoing management and adjustments in medication.
  • Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs): A history of stroke or TIAs suggests increased risk of neurological complications, particularly in older adults or those with cardiovascular conditions.
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS): MS, a chronic disease that affects the central nervous system, can cause symptoms like numbness, vision changes, and weakness that fluctuate over time.
  • Neuropathy: Previous diagnoses of peripheral neuropathy or diabetic neuropathy provide context for sensory or motor symptoms in the extremities.
  • Parkinson’s Disease or Other Movement Disorders: A history of Parkinson’s or related conditions may explain symptoms such as tremors, gait issues, or muscle rigidity.
  • Demyelinating Diseases: Conditions that damage nerve coverings (e.g., MS or Guillain-Barré Syndrome) impact motor and sensory functions and may result in recurrent neurological symptoms.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Past Medical History:

  • Do you have a history of migraines, or have you experienced frequent headaches?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with epilepsy or had a seizure?
  • Have you experienced a stroke or TIA in the past?
  • Do you have any history of multiple sclerosis or similar conditions?
  • Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy or any nerve damage?
  • Do you have a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease or any other movement disorder?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with any demyelinating diseases?


Evaluating the patient’s current and past medications offers insights into their neurological health and identifies potential side effects affecting the nervous system:

  • Neurological Medications: Medications such as anticonvulsants, antidepressants, or migraine treatments may indicate an underlying neurological disorder. Assess the efficacy and any side effects of these medications.
  • Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Drugs: Medications for blood pressure control, especially those with CNS effects (like beta-blockers), can impact neurological symptoms, including fatigue or dizziness.
  • Medications with Neurological Side Effects: Some medications, such as antipsychotics or sedatives, can lead to neurological side effects, such as tremors or cognitive changes.
  • Recent Changes in Medication: Changes in medications, particularly for blood pressure, diabetes, or psychological conditions, may influence neurological symptoms or affect cognitive functioning.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Medications:

  • Are you taking any medications specifically for neurological issues?
  • Are you on any blood pressure or cardiovascular medications that may affect your symptoms?
  • Do any of your medications cause neurological side effects, like dizziness or confusion?
  • Have there been any recent changes in your medication regimen?

Family History

Family history can help uncover hereditary neurological conditions. Important conditions to inquire about include:

  • Epilepsy: A genetic predisposition to epilepsy or seizure disorders suggests a familial risk.
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases: Conditions like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, or Huntington’s disease often run in families and may increase the patient’s risk.
  • Migraine: A strong family history of migraines can indicate genetic factors in the development of chronic headaches.
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Although not strictly hereditary, MS has a genetic component and is more likely in those with a family history of the disease.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Family History:

  • Is there a family history of epilepsy or seizure disorders?
  • Do any family members have neurodegenerative diseases, like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s?
  • Is there a strong family history of migraines?
  • Does anyone in your family have multiple sclerosis?

Social History

Social history helps to assess lifestyle factors that can influence neurological health:

  • Substance Use: Alcohol, recreational drug use, and smoking can affect the nervous system and contribute to conditions such as peripheral neuropathy or cognitive impairment.
  • Occupation: Jobs that involve exposure to chemicals or require repetitive physical tasks (e.g., bending, heavy lifting) may contribute to neurological symptoms or increase the risk of nerve damage.
  • Stress and Mental Health: Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression may exacerbate neurological symptoms and are closely linked to conditions like migraines and tension headaches.
  • Physical Activity: Regular physical activity is linked to better cognitive health and lower risks of neurodegenerative diseases. Sedentary behavior may contribute to poor circulation and neuropathy.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Social History:

  • Do you use alcohol, recreational drugs, or smoke?
  • What type of work do you do? Are you exposed to any chemicals?
  • How would you rate your daily stress level, and do you experience anxiety or depression?
  • How active are you physically, and do you exercise regularly?


Identifying allergies, especially to specific medications or environmental factors, is important for managing neurological conditions:

  • Drug Allergies: Allergies to medications like anticonvulsants or NSAIDs may necessitate alternative treatments for managing neurological symptoms.
  • Environmental Allergies: Some environmental allergens, particularly mold or pollutants, may exacerbate conditions like migraines or cognitive symptoms.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Allergies:

  • Do you have any known allergies to neurological medications?
  • Are you allergic to environmental factors like dust, mold, or chemicals?

Environmental and Occupational Exposures

Environmental and occupational exposures can impact neurological health through long-term or repeated exposure:

  • Chemical Exposure: Exposure to neurotoxic chemicals (e.g., solvents, heavy metals) at work or home may lead to symptoms like neuropathy or cognitive issues.
  • Physical Demands at Work: Repetitive motion or activities that strain the body can contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome or other compressive neuropathies.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Environmental and Occupational Exposures:

  • Are you exposed to any chemicals, such as solvents or heavy metals, at work or home?
  • Does your job involve repetitive tasks or physical strain?

Closing the Consultation

Summarize the main points discussed during the history-taking to confirm understanding and ensure no details were missed.

Teraz ty powiedz:

  • Let me summarize what we’ve discussed so far to make sure I have everything correct.
  • To confirm, you’ve mentioned [key symptoms or points]. Does that sound accurate?
  • Is there anything important that we haven’t covered?
  • Before we proceed, is there anything else you’d like to add or clarify?
  • Thank you for sharing all these details; it will help us plan the next steps effectively.

Ask the patient if they have any remaining questions or concerns before moving forward with the examination.

Teraz ty powiedz:

  • Do you have any other questions or concerns before we start the examination?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to discuss before we begin the physical exam?