Układ Krążeniowy: Naczynia Krwionośne | Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels

Read the case study and complete the whole lesson. Afterward, answer the questions related to the clinical case. This practical exercise will help you apply your newly acquired knowledge to real-world scenarios and improve your critical thinking skills.

Case study:

Amy Thompson, a 30-year-old woman who has always been active and health-conscious, is the subject of this case study. With a consistent exercise routine and a balanced diet, Amy has lived a healthy lifestyle. However, in the last few months, she’s been experiencing some unusual issues.One problem that has arisen is her heart rate. Amy has been noticing a rapid and irregular heartbeat, often accompanied by dizziness and shortness of breath. These  symptoms  primarily occur during her regular workouts. Concerned about her  symptoms, Amy decided to consult with a Doctor. Dr Patel carefully reviewed her medical history and conducted a thorough physical examination. During the examination, Dr. Patel observed Amy’s irregular heartbeat, which raised concerns of a heart arrhythmia. To confirm the diagnosis and determine the specific type of arrhythmia, Amy was referred for further cardiac testing.Upon referral, Amy underwent an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), a non-invasive test designed to record the heart’s electrical activity over a specific timeframe. The ECG results uncovered episodes of tachycardia, indicating a rapid heart rate, and irregular heartbeats, confirming the presence of an arrhythmia. He proposed additional diagnostic tests, including a Holter monitor and an echocardiogram, to gain a comprehensive understanding of her heart’s structure and function.The Holter monitor is a portable device that continuously records Amy’s heart’s electrical activity over 24 hours. It is a valuable tool for monitoring heart rhythm during daily activities and can capture irregularities that may not appear during a short office visit.Conversely, the echocardiogram, an ultrasound of the heart, provides critical insights into the heart’s muscle and valve function and structural characteristics.After performing these necessary diagnostic tests and conducting a comprehensive examination, Dr. Patel diagnosed Amy with a specific type of arrhythmia known as atrial fibrillation (AFib).

Upon completing the lesson return to the case study and answer the following questions related to the provided scenario.

  1. What clinical  symptoms  prompted Amy to seek medical attention for her cardiac health?
    • Answer: Amy presented with distressing  symptoms  that included a  persistent  rapid and irregular heartbeat, accompanied by episodes of dizziness and breathlessness, which notably occurred during her regular exercise routine.
  2. What series of diagnostic tests did Dr. Patel initially recommend to evaluate Amy’s cardiac condition, and what specific findings did they reveal?
    • Answer: Dr. Patel initially advised an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) to monitor Amy’s heart’s electrical activity. The ECG results unveiled frequent episodes of tachycardia, indicating a sustained elevated heart rate, along with irregular heart rhythms, affirming the presence of an arrhythmia.
  3. How did the Holter monitor’s function differ from that of the ECG in monitoring Amy’s cardiac health?
    • Answer: Unlike the brief snapshot provided by the ECG during an office visit, the Holter monitor is a portable device capable of continuously recording Amy’s heart activity over a 24-hour period. This extended monitoring captures heart rhythm irregularities that may not be apparent during a brief clinical evaluation.
  4. What crucial insights did the echocardiogram provide into Amy’s heart condition?
    • Answer: The echocardiogram, an ultrasound imaging of the heart, offered a comprehensive evaluation of the cardiac anatomy and function. It provided valuable information regarding the integrity and performance of the heart’s muscular structures and valves, as well as its overall structural characteristics.
  5. What was the specific diagnosis provided by Dr. Anderson following the diagnostic assessments, and what characteristic features of Amy’s heart condition are associated with this diagnosis?
    • Answer: Dr. Anderson diagnosed Amy with atrial fibrillation (AFib), a particular type of cardiac arrhythmia characterized by irregular electrical activity in the heart’s upper chambers, resulting in rapid and irregular heartbeats.

Prefixes for Cardiovascular System – Heart:

Brady-SlowBradycardia (slow heart rate)
Tachy-FastTachycardia (fast heart rate)
Endo-InsideEndocardium (inner layer of the heart)
Peri-AroundPericardium (membrane around the heart)
Inter-BetweenInterventricular (between ventricles)

Combining Forms for Cardiovascular System – Heart:

Cardi/oHeartCardiology (study of the heart)
Atri/oAtrium (upper heart chamber)Atriomegaly (enlargement of the atrium)
Ventricul/oVentricle (lower heart chamber)Ventriculotomy (incision of a ventricle)
My/oMuscleMyocardium (muscle of the heart)
Valvul/oValveValvuloplasty (surgical repair of a heart valve)
Coron/oCoronaryCoronary artery (artery supplying the heart)

Suffixes for Cardiovascular System – Heart:

-gramRecordElectrocardiogram (ECG – a record of the heart’s electrical activity)
-stenosisNarrowingValvulostenosis (narrowing of a heart valve)
-itisInflammationMyocarditis (inflammation  of the heart muscle)
-megalyEnlargementCardiomegaly (enlargement of the heart)
-pathyDiseaseCardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle)