Układ Nerwowy | Nervous System

Read the case study and complete the whole lesson. Afterward, answer the questions related to the clinical case. This practical exercise will help you apply your newly acquired knowledge to real-world scenarios and improve your critical thinking skills.

Case study:

Ella, a 45-year-old woman, sought medical attention due to  persistent  headaches and episodes of memory loss. Her headaches were throbbing, often located on one side of her head, accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Ella reported experiencing temporary memory lapses, finding it challenging to recall recent events or follow conversations at times. Concerned about thesesymptoms, she visited Dr. Adams, a neurologist, for evaluation. During the consultation, Dr. Adams conducted a comprehensive neurological examination, including tests for reflexes, sensation, and muscle strength. Ella’s cranial nerve function appeared normal, but she showed signs of decreased coordination and imbalance in her gait. Based on her  symptoms  and the physical examination, Dr. Adams recommended further diagnostic tests. Ella underwent an MRI scan of her brain, revealing multiple small  lesions  in the white matter. Dr. Adams also ordered a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) to analyze cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for abnormalities. The CSF analysis revealed the presence of oligoclonal bands, indicating  inflammation  within the central nervous system. Following these findings, Ella received a diagnosis of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), an autoimmune disorder affecting the central nervous system. RRMS is characterized by episodes of neurological dysfunction followed by periods of partial or complete recovery. As there is currently no cure for RRMS, Dr. Adams had to discuss various treatment options with Ella, focusing on disease-modifying therapies to reduce the frequency and severity of relapses and slow disease progression. These treatments aim to modify the  immune response  and prevent further damage to the myelin sheath surrounding nerve  fibers.

Upon completing the lesson return to the case study and answer the following questions related to the provided scenario.

1. What are the common  symptoms  exhibited by Ella that prompted her to seek medical attention?

  • Answer: Ella experienced  persistent  headaches, characterized by throbbing pain on one side of her head, along with nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Additionally, she had episodes of temporary memory loss or cognitive lapses.

2. What diagnostic tests were performed to evaluate Ella’s condition, and what were the findings?

  • Answer: Ella underwent an MRI scan of her brain, which revealed multiple small  lesions  in the white matter. A lumbar puncture was conducted to analyze cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), where the presence of oligoclonal bands indicated  inflammation  in the central nervous system.

3. What was Ella’s diagnosed condition, and what is its characteristic feature?

  • Answer: Ella was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), an autoimmune disorder affecting the central nervous system. RRMS is known for episodes of neurological dysfunction followed by periods of partial or complete recovery.

Table 1: Prefixes Related to the Nervous System

a-, an-No, not, without, awayAnalgesia (without pain sensation)
hyper-ExcessiveHyperactivity (excessive  nerve activity)
hypo-InsufficientHypoesthesia (reduced sensitivity to  stimuli)
inter-BetweenIntercellular (between nerve cells)
syn-, sym-Union or associationSynapse (junction between nerve cells)

Table 2: Combining Forms Related to the Nervous System

Combining FormMeaningExample
neur/oNerveNeurology (study of nerves)
encephal/oBrainEncephalitis (brain  inflammation)
myel/oSpinal cordMyelopathy (disease of the spinal cord)
gangli/oGanglionGanglioma (tumor of a ganglion)
dendr-BranchesDendrite (branching structure in nerve cells)

Table 3: Suffixes Related to the Nervous System

-pathyDiseaseNeuropathy (disease of the nerves)
-itisInflammationEncephalitis (brain  inflammation)
-logyStudy ofNeurology (study of the nervous system)
-scopeInstrument for viewingNeuroscope (instrument to view nerves)
-osisCondition, status, processNeurosis (abnormal nervous system condition)