Kliniczne aspekty chorób układu limfatycznego: część 1 i 2 | Clinical Aspects of Lymphatic Diseases: part 1 and 2

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“Lęk”, “Depression”: “Depresja”, “Social isolation”: “Izolacja społeczna”, “Prognosis for Lymphedema”: “Rokowanie w obrzęku limfatycznym”, “Chronic condition”: “Przewlekły stan”, “Compression therapy”: “Terapia uciskowa”, “Quality of life”: “Jakość życia”, “Lymphadenopathy”: “Limfadenopatia”, “Enlargement of lymph nodes”: “Powiększenie węzłów chłonnych”, “Localized Lymphadenopathy”: “Miejscowa limfadenopatia”, “Generalized Lymphadenopathy”: “Uogólniona limfadenopatia”, “Viral infections”: “Infekcje wirusowe”, “Epstein-Barr virus”: “Wirus Epsteina-Barr”, “Bacterial infections”: “Infekcje bakteryjne”, “Tuberculosis”: “Gruźlica”, “Streptococcal infections”: “Infekcje paciorkowcowe”, “Fungal infections”: “Infekcje grzybicze”, “Autoimmune Diseases”: “Choroby autoimmunologiczne”, “Lupus”: “Toczeń”, “Rheumatoid arthritis”: “Reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów”, “Malignancies”: “Nowotwory złośliwe”, “Lymphomas”: “Chłoniaki”, “Leukemias”: “Białaczki”, “Metastatic cancers”: “Przerzuty nowotworowe”, “Drug Reactions”: “Reakcje na leki”, “Phenytoin”: “Fenytoina”, “Immune cell activity”: “Aktywność komórek odpornościowych”, “Hyperplastic tissue”: “Tkanka hiperplastyczna”, “Tender nodes”: “Tkliwe węzły chłonne”, “Non-Tender nodes”: “Nietkliwe węzły chłonne”, “Hard nodes”: “Twarde węzły chłonne”, “Fixed nodes”: “Nieprzesuwalne węzły chłonne”, “Other Symptoms”: “Inne objawy”, “Fever”: “Gorączka”, “Night sweats”: “Nocne poty”, “Weight loss”: “Utrata masy ciała”, “Clinical Evaluation”: “Ocena kliniczna”, “Complete blood count (CBC)”: “Morfologia krwi (CBC)”, “Inflammatory markers”: “Markery zapalne”, “ESR”: “OB”, “CRP”: “CRP”, “Serology for infections”: “Serologia w kierunku infekcji”, “Imaging Studies”: “Badania obrazowe”, “Superficial lymph nodes”: “Powierzchowne węzły chłonne”, “Deeper lymph nodes”: “Głębokie węzły chłonne”, “Lymph Node Biopsy”: “Biopsja węzłów chłonnych”, “Abscess Formation”: “Tworzenie się ropni”, “Chronic Lymphadenopathy”: “Przewlekła limfadenopatia”, “Systemic Spread”: “Rozprzestrzenianie się układowe”, “Organ Involvement”: “Zajęcie narządów”, “Prognosis for Lymphadenopathy”: “Rokowanie w limfadenopatii”, “Benign causes”: “Przyczyny łagodne”, “Malignancy”: “Nowotwór złośliwy”, “Lymphangitis”: “Zapalenie naczyń limfatycznych”, “Acute infection”: “Ostra infekcja”, “Lymphatic vessels”: “Naczynia limfatyczne”, “Bacterial Infections”: “Infekcje bakteryjne”, “Streptococcus pyogenes”: “Paciorkowiec ropotwórczy”, “Staphylococcus aureus”: “Gronkowiec złocisty”, “Risk Factors”: “Czynniki ryzyka”, “Immunosuppression”: “Immunosupresja”, “Chronic skin conditions”: “Przewlekłe choroby skóry”, “Recent injuries”: “Niedawne urazy”, “Red Streaks on the Skin”: “Czerwone smugi na skórze”, “Malaise”: “Złe samopoczucie”, “Swollen, Tender Lymph Nodes”: “Opuchnięte, tkliwe węzły chłonne”, “Local Pain and Swelling”: “Miejscowy ból i obrzęk”, “Blood Cultures”: “Posiewy krwi”, “Wound Examination”: “Badanie rany”, “Broad-spectrum antibiotics”: “Antybiotyki o szerokim spektrum działania”, “Penicillin”: “Penicylina”, “Cephalosporins”: “Cefalosporyny”, “NSAIDs”: “Niesteroidowe leki przeciwzapalne (NLPZ)”, “Septicemia”: “Posocznica”, “Necrosis”: “Martwica”, “Prompt treatment”: “Szybkie leczenie”, “Antibiotics”: “Antybiotyki”, “Pain Management”: “Leczenie bólu” }; // Normalize keys in the dictionary const normalizedWordsToTooltip = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(wordsToTooltip)) { const cleanedKey = key.replace(/(.*?)/g, ”).trim(); // Remove anything in parentheses normalizedWordsToTooltip[cleanedKey.toLowerCase()] = value; } function processNode(node) { if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.nodeValue.trim()) { let content = node.nodeValue; // Regex to match only the main words (ignores parentheses) const regex = new RegExp( `\b(${Object.keys(normalizedWordsToTooltip).join(‘|’)})\b`, ‘gi’ ); if (regex.test(content)) { const wrapper = document.createElement(‘span’); wrapper.innerHTML = content.replace(regex, (match) => { const 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Szacowany czas lekcji: 34 minut
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Lymphedema is a chronic condition characterized by the accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the tissues, leading to persistent swelling, usually in the arms or legs. It results from impaired lymphatic drainage and can significantly impact quality of life.

Etiology and Types

  1. Primary Lymphedema: A rare, inherited condition caused by developmental abnormalities in the lymphatic system. It can present at birth (congenital lymphedema), during puberty (lymphedema praecox), or later in life (lymphedema tarda).
  2. Secondary Lymphedema: More common, occurring due to damage to or obstruction of the lymphatic system. Common causes include:
    • Surgery: Removal of or damage to lymph nodes, such as during cancer surgeries.
    • Radiation Therapy: Can cause scarring of lymphatic vessels, impairing drainage.
    • Infections: Recurrent infections, particularly filariasis in endemic areas, can damage the lymphatic system.
    • Cancer: Tumors can obstruct or invade lymphatic vessels.
    • Trauma: Injuries that damage lymphatic vessels.


Lymphedema occurs when lymphatic fluid is not adequately transported from the tissues back into the bloodstream, leading to fluid retention and tissue swelling. The lymphatic system’s dysfunction results in chronic inflammation and fibrosis, causing tissue changes over time. The accumulated fluid also increases the risk of infections, as the immune system’s surveillance is impaired.

Clinical Manifestations

  • Swelling of Limbs: Most commonly affects one or both arms or legs, but can also involve the chest, neck, or genitals.
  • Heaviness and Tightness: Patients often describe a feeling of heaviness or tightness in the affected limb.
  • Skin Changes: The skin may become thickened, fibrotic, and leathery (known as elephantiasis in severe cases). Skin folds may deepen, and warty growths or blisters can develop.
  • Increased Risk of Infections: Cellulitis and lymphangitis are common due to impaired immune function in the affected area.
  • Reduced Mobility: Swelling and tissue changes can lead to difficulty in moving the affected limb and performing daily activities.

Diagnostic Approach

  • Physical Examination: Includes assessing the extent of swelling, tissue changes, and history of risk factors (e.g., recent surgery, infection, cancer).
  • Lymphoscintigraphy: A nuclear medicine test that visualizes lymphatic drainage and identifies blockages.
  • MRI or CT Scan: Used to assess lymphatic structures, detect tumors, or rule out other causes of swelling.
  • Ultrasound: Helps to differentiate lymphedema from other causes of edema, such as deep vein thrombosis.


  1. Conservative Management:
    • Compression Therapy: Use of compression garments or bandaging to reduce swelling and promote lymphatic flow.
    • Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD): A specialized massage technique that stimulates lymphatic drainage.
    • Exercise: Gentle, supervised exercises to improve lymphatic circulation and maintain mobility.
    • Skin Care: Prevents infections by keeping the skin clean and moisturized.
  2. Advanced Interventions:
    • Surgical Options: Procedures such as lymphovenous anastomosis or lymph node transfer are considered in severe, refractory cases.
    • Debulking Surgery: Removal of excess fibrotic tissue in advanced lymphedema.


  • Recurrent Infections: Cellulitis and lymphangitis can occur frequently due to impaired immune function.
  • Lymphangiosarcoma: A rare but aggressive cancer that can develop in chronically lymphedematous tissue.
  • Functional Impairment: Limited mobility and reduced quality of life.
  • Psychological Impact: Anxiety, depression, and social isolation due to disfigurement and chronic symptoms.

Prognosis for Lymphedema

  • Chronic Condition: Lymphedema is generally a lifelong condition with no cure, but symptoms can be managed effectively with early and consistent treatment, such as compression therapy and exercise. With proper management, patients can reduce swelling and maintain a good quality of life.


Lymphadenopathy refers to the enlargement of lymph nodes, which can be localized to one area or generalized throughout the body. It is a common clinical sign associated with a wide range of conditions.


  • Infections: The most common cause, which can be viral (e.g., Epstein-Barr virus), bacterial (e.g., tuberculosis, streptococcal infections), or fungal.
  • Autoimmune Diseases: Conditions like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis can cause widespread lymph node enlargement.
  • Malignancies: Lymphomas, leukemias, and metastatic cancers can infiltrate lymph nodes.
  • Drug Reactions: Certain medications, like phenytoin, can cause lymphadenopathy as an adverse effect.


Lymph nodes enlarge due to increased immune cell activity in response to infection, inflammation, or infiltration by cancer cells. The lymphatic tissue becomes hyperplastic or infiltrated, causing the nodes to become palpable or visible.

Clinical Manifestations

  • Localized Lymphadenopathy: Enlargement of lymph nodes in a specific area, often related to infections or localized malignancies.
  • Generalized Lymphadenopathy: Involves multiple lymph node groups and is more commonly associated with systemic infections, autoimmune disorders, or malignancies.
  • Tender vs. Non-Tender Nodes: Tender nodes often suggest an acute infection, while non-tender, hard, or fixed nodes raise suspicion for malignancy.
  • Other Symptoms: May include fever, night sweats, weight loss, or signs related to the underlying condition.

Diagnostic Approach

  • Clinical Evaluation: A thorough history and physical examination to identify possible causes.
  • Blood Tests: Complete blood count, inflammatory markers (ESR, CRP), and specific serology for infections.
  • Imaging Studies: Ultrasound for superficial nodes, and CT or MRI for deeper lymph node assessment.
  • Lymph Node Biopsy: Necessary if malignancy or persistent unexplained lymphadenopathy is suspected.


  • Infections: Treated with appropriate antibiotics, antivirals, or antifungals.
  • Autoimmune Disorders: Managed with immunosuppressive medications.
  • Malignancies: Require oncological treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.
  • Symptomatic Relief: Pain management and supportive care as needed.


  • Abscess Formation: Infected lymph nodes can develop into abscesses, requiring drainage.
  • Chronic Lymphadenopathy: Persistent enlargement can occur, especially in autoimmune diseases.
  • Systemic Spread: If associated with malignancy, cancer cells can spread beyond the lymphatic system.
  • Organ Involvement: Prolonged lymphadenopathy can indicate widespread disease affecting other organs.

Prognosis for Lymphadenopathy

  • Varies by Underlying Cause: The prognosis depends on the underlying condition. Benign causes, such as infections, generally have a favorable outcome, with lymph nodes returning to normal size after treatment. However, if due to malignancy, the prognosis is more guarded and depends on the type and stage of cancer, requiring comprehensive treatment and ongoing management.


Lymphangitis is an acute infection of the lymphatic vessels, often resulting from a bacterial infection that spreads from a skin wound or other infection site.


  • Bacterial Infections: Most commonly caused by Streptococcus pyogenes or Staphylococcus aureus. Bacteria enter through skin wounds, abscesses, or cellulitis.
  • Risk Factors: Immunosuppression, chronic skin conditions, and recent injuries increase the likelihood of developing lymphangitis.


The infection spreads along the lymphatic vessels, causing inflammation and, if untreated, may lead to septicemia. The body’s immune response triggers redness, swelling, and warmth along the affected vessels.

Clinical Manifestations

  • Red Streaks on the Skin: Visible red lines that extend from the site of infection toward regional lymph nodes.
  • Fever and Chills: Systemic signs of infection, often accompanied by malaise.
  • Swollen, Tender Lymph Nodes: The lymph nodes draining the infected area become enlarged and painful.
  • Local Pain and Swelling: The affected area may be warm and tender to the touch.

Diagnostic Approach

  • Clinical Assessment: Based on the characteristic appearance of red streaks and associated systemic symptoms.
  • Blood Cultures: To identify the causative organism, especially in severe cases.
  • Wound Examination: Identifies the source of infection.


  1. Antibiotics: Broad-spectrum antibiotics are started empirically and then adjusted based on culture results. Penicillin or cephalosporins are commonly used.
  2. Pain Management: NSAIDs or acetaminophen for fever and discomfort.
  3. Treating the Source: Wound care and drainage of abscesses if necessary.
  4. Hospitalization: Required in severe cases or if there is evidence of systemic infection.


  • Septicemia: If the infection spreads into the bloodstream, it can lead to life-threatening sepsis.
  • Abscess Formation: Pockets of pus may form in the infected tissues, requiring surgical drainage.
  • Chronic Lymphangitis: Recurrent infections can damage the lymphatic vessels, leading to chronic swelling and lymphedema.
  • Necrosis: Severe cases can lead to tissue death at the infection site.

Prognosis for Lymphangitis

  • Generally Good with Prompt Treatment: Early intervention with antibiotics usually results in a favorable outcome, with symptoms resolving within a few days.