Zbieranie wywiadu z zakresu układu płciowego męskiego | Taking a Male Reproductive System History

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Szacowany czas lekcji: 23 minuty
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Opening Consultation

Before starting, review the patient’s medical records for relevant musculoskeletal history if available.

Confirm the patient’s identity politely.

Teraz ty powiedz:

  • Mr. Jones? This way, please.
  • Ms. Jones? Please come in.
  • Could I please confirm your full name and date of birth?
  • Just to confirm, your name and date of birth?
  • Your full name and date of birth, please.

Introduce yourself warmly, stating your name and role.

Teraz ty powiedz:

  • Hello, I’m Dr. Jones. How can I help you today?
  • Good morning/afternoon, I’m Dr. Jones. What brings you in today?
  • Hi, I’m Dr. Jones. What would you like to discuss today?

Chief Complaint

The Chief Complaint (CC) in the context of the male reproductive system refers to the primary symptoms or concerns that a patient presents with during a medical consultation. Common complaints related to the male reproductive system include:

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. It can result from various factors, including psychological issues, hormonal imbalances, or vascular problems. It is essential to assess the duration, severity, and any associated symptoms, such as reduced libido or difficulty with ejaculation.
Pain or DiscomfortPain or discomfort in the genital area may arise from several conditions, including infections (e.g., epididymitis, orchitis), trauma, or testicular torsion. Evaluating the quality, location, and duration of pain helps to identify the underlying cause.
Testicular Mass or SwellingThe presence of a mass or swelling in the testicular region may indicate conditions such as testicular cancer, hydrocele, or varicocele. A thorough examination is necessary to determine the characteristics of the mass and any associated symptoms.
InfertilityInfertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. It can result from various factors affecting sperm production or transport. A comprehensive assessment of reproductive history and any previous evaluations is essential for proper diagnosis.
Penile DischargePenile discharge may indicate infections such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or urethritis. The color, consistency, and quantity of the discharge, along with any associated symptoms, such as itching or burning during urination, should be evaluated.
DysuriaDysuria, or painful urination, can be caused by infections, inflammation, or obstruction in the urinary tract. It is important to determine the duration, associated symptoms, and any potential triggers.
GynecomastiaGynecomastia refers to the enlargement of breast tissue in males, which may result from hormonal imbalances, certain medications, or underlying health conditions. Assessing the duration and associated symptoms can help identify the cause.
Decreased LibidoA reduction in sexual desire can be influenced by various factors, including hormonal imbalances, psychological issues, or underlying medical conditions. Understanding the duration and any associated symptoms is crucial for proper evaluation.
Urinary IncontinenceUrinary incontinence, or the involuntary loss of urine, can occur due to a variety of conditions affecting the urinary tract or prostate. Assessing the frequency, triggers, and severity of incontinence is essential for diagnosis and management.

History of Present Illness : Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection adequate for sexual performance. This condition can have multifactorial origins, including psychological, hormonal, vascular, and neurological components. A thorough assessment of ED is essential to determine the underlying causes and inform effective treatment strategies.

OLD CARTS Assessment of Erectile Dysfunction:

  • O – Onset: The onset of ED is crucial for diagnosis. Acute onset may be indicative of psychological stress or recent medical events, such as surgery or trauma. In contrast, a gradual onset often points to chronic issues, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, or hormonal imbalances. Understanding the timeline can help clinicians discern whether the dysfunction is situational or persistent.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Onset:

  • When did you first notice difficulties with erections?
  • Did the problem appear suddenly, or has it developed gradually over time?
  • Was there any specific event or change in your life that coincided with the onset of this issue?
  • Have you experienced episodes of ED previously, or is this the first time?
  • Did the erectile issues start after starting a new medication or experiencing significant stress?
  • L – Location: While ED primarily affects erectile function, understanding any associated discomfort in the genital area can provide insights into the condition. Issues such as pain or discomfort during erections may indicate underlying physical problems that could be addressed in the treatment plan.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Location:

  • Are you experiencing any pain or discomfort in the genital area?
  • D – Duration: Understanding the duration of ED is important for assessing the nature of the condition. Chronic ED may suggest significant underlying health issues, while transient ED could indicate situational factors such as stress or fatigue. Identifying how long the patient has experienced symptoms will guide the urgency and type of intervention needed.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Duration:

  • How long have you been experiencing difficulties with erections?
  • Is this a constant issue, or does it come and go?
  • Have you had similar problems in the past? If so, how long did they last?
  • Do you notice any specific triggers or patterns related to the duration of the ED?
  • C – Character: Describing the nature of the erectile dysfunction is essential for diagnosis. This includes whether the patient experiences total inability to achieve an erection or difficulty maintaining one. Understanding the character of the dysfunction helps to identify whether it may be related to psychological factors, such as anxiety, or physiological factors, such as vascular health.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Character:

  • How would you describe the nature of the erectile dysfunction? Is it a complete inability to achieve an erection or difficulty maintaining one?
  • Do you experience any changes in erection quality, such as firmness or duration?
  • Are there situations where you can achieve an erection but not during sexual intercourse?
  • A – Associated Symptoms: Identifying any accompanying symptoms is critical for evaluating ED. Symptoms such as decreased libido, changes in ejaculation, or any physical discomfort can provide important clues about the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction. It’s important to explore the full spectrum of sexual health issues that may be present.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Associated Symptoms:

  • Are you experiencing any other symptoms, such as a decreased sex drive or changes in ejaculation?
  • Do you have any accompanying symptoms like fatigue, stress, or mood changes?
  • Have you noticed any changes in your overall health or well-being that might relate to the ED?
  • R – Radiation: While “radiation” is not relevant for ED, it is important to assess for any discomfort that radiates to other areas, such as the pelvic region or lower back. Understanding whether there is pain associated with the dysfunction can inform potential underlying causes.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Radiation:

  • Do you feel any discomfort that radiates to other areas, like your lower back or pelvis?
  • T – Timing: Understanding when ED occurs (e.g., only during sexual activity, at random times, or with specific partners) can provide insights into its potential causes. Identifying patterns or specific triggers can help narrow down the differential diagnosis.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Timing:

  • Is the erectile dysfunction more pronounced during certain times, such as after a long day or during stressful situations?
  • Does the issue occur consistently during sexual activity, or are there times when you do not experience it?
  • S – Severity: Assessing the severity of the ED and its impact on the patient’s quality of life is crucial. Understanding how these problems affect daily functioning and emotional well-being can guide treatment options and patient management.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Severity:

  • On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate the severity of your erectile dysfunction?
  • How does this condition affect your daily life and overall well-being?
  • Does the ED impact your relationships or emotional state?

Past Medical History

A thorough review of the patient’s past medical history is essential for assessing potential issues related to the male reproductive system and identifying risk factors.

  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): A history of BPH is significant, especially in older men, as it can lead to urinary symptoms such as frequency, urgency, and nocturia. Understanding the severity of symptoms and any interventions undertaken (e.g., medications, surgeries) is important for managing ongoing issues.
  • Prostatitis: Previous episodes of prostatitis, whether acute or chronic, can result in long-lasting symptoms or complications. Chronic prostatitis can lead to pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction, making it essential to assess any history of inflammation or infection of the prostate.
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED): A past history of erectile dysfunction may indicate underlying health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or hormonal imbalances. Assessing previous treatments and their effectiveness provides insight into the patient’s current status and options for management.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): A history of STIs is important as it can affect reproductive health. Previous infections like chlamydia or gonorrhea may lead to complications such as epididymitis or infertility if not treated adequately.
  • Testicular Disorders: Any history of testicular conditions, such as torsion, trauma, or tumors, should be noted. These issues can have implications for fertility and overall reproductive health.
  • Surgical History: Previous surgeries, such as varicocelectomy, circumcision, or any surgeries related to the prostate or bladder, may impact current reproductive health. Understanding the reasons for surgery and outcomes is crucial for comprehensive evaluation.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Conditions such as hypogonadism or any previous treatments involving testosterone therapy should be considered, as they can affect libido, erectile function, and overall reproductive health.
  • Chronic Conditions: Chronic illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia can have secondary effects on reproductive health, influencing erectile function and libido.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Past Medical History:

  • Have you ever been diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?
  • Have you had any episodes of prostatitis, either acute or chronic?
  • Do you have a history of erectile dysfunction? If so, what treatments have you tried?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? If so, what was the treatment?
  • Have you experienced any testicular disorders, such as torsion or trauma?
  • What surgeries related to your reproductive health have you undergone?
  • Do you have a history of hormonal imbalances, such as low testosterone?
  • Are you currently dealing with any chronic conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension?

Family History

Family history can shed light on hereditary conditions that may impact reproductive health:

  • Prostate Cancer: A family history of prostate cancer significantly increases the risk for developing the disease. Understanding the age of onset in family members helps assess the patient’s risk level.
  • Testicular Cancer: Family history of testicular cancer can indicate genetic predispositions. Men with a family history may need regular monitoring for early detection.
  • Hormonal Disorders: Conditions affecting hormone levels, such as hypogonadism or disorders of sexual development, should be noted as they can influence reproductive health.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Family History:

  • Is there a family history of prostate cancer in your family?
  • Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with testicular cancer?
  • Are there any known hormonal disorders, such as hypogonadism, in your family?


Understanding the patient’s current and past medications provides insight into their treatment history and potential drug-related effects on reproductive health:

  • Hormonal Medications: Ask about any treatments involving testosterone or other hormonal therapies. Evaluate their effectiveness and any side effects, such as changes in libido or mood.
  • Medications for BPH or ED: Inquire about the use of medications such as alpha-blockers or PDE5 inhibitors, and assess adherence and response to these treatments.
  • Antibiotics: Previous antibiotic use, particularly in the context of STIs or prostatitis, is relevant. It’s important to determine whether these treatments were effective and if any resistance has developed.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Medications:

  • Are you currently taking any medications for BPH or erectile dysfunction?
  • Have you used any hormonal treatments, such as testosterone therapy?
  • What antibiotics have you taken in the past, particularly related to STIs or prostatitis?
  • Have there been any recent changes in your medication regimen?

Social History

Understanding the patient’s social history is crucial for identifying lifestyle factors that may affect reproductive health:

  • Sexual History: Assessing sexual practices, number of partners, and any history of STIs can help identify risks and inform management.
  • Smoking and Alcohol Use: Smoking can impair erectile function, and excessive alcohol intake can affect libido and overall sexual health. Understanding these habits can help in tailoring lifestyle interventions.
  • Exercise and Diet: Physical activity and diet play significant roles in hormonal balance and overall health. A sedentary lifestyle or poor dietary choices can negatively impact reproductive health.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Social History:

  • What is your sexual history? How many partners have you had?
  • Do you smoke or use any tobacco products? If so, how long have you been smoking?
  • How much alcohol do you consume on a regular basis?
  • Do you engage in regular physical exercise? What does that look like?
  • What does your diet typically consist of? Do you consume healthy foods?


Assessing allergies helps identify potential triggers and informs management, particularly in patients with reproductive health conditions:

  • Drug Allergies: Identify any medications that cause allergic reactions, particularly those used for treating conditions related to the male reproductive system, such as antibiotics or medications for erectile dysfunction.
  • Latex Allergies: Assess for any known allergies to latex, which is commonly found in condoms and other medical devices, as this can affect sexual health and reproductive options.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Allergies:

  • Do you have any known drug allergies, particularly to medications used for treating reproductive conditions?
  • Are you allergic to latex or any other materials commonly used in sexual health products?
  • Have you experienced any allergic reactions to medications recently?

Environmental and Occupational Exposures

Environmental factors can significantly affect reproductive health:

  • Chemical Exposure: Prolonged exposure to chemicals or toxins, such as those found in certain occupations, can negatively impact fertility and hormone levels.
  • Occupational Stress: Chronic stress from work or life circumstances can lead to hormonal imbalances, affecting libido and sexual function.

Teraz ty zapytaj – Environmental and Occupational Exposures:

  • Are you exposed to chemicals or toxins in your workplace?
  • Do you experience significant stress at work or in your personal life?
  • Have you noticed any changes in your reproductive health related to your work environment?

Closing the Consultation

Summarize the main points discussed during the history-taking to confirm understanding and ensure no details were missed.

Teraz ty powiedz:

  • Let me summarize what we’ve discussed so far to make sure I have everything correct.
  • To confirm, you’ve mentioned [key symptoms or points]. Does that sound accurate?
  • Is there anything important that we haven’t covered?
  • Before we proceed, is there anything else you’d like to add or clarify?
  • Thank you for sharing all these details; it will help us plan the next steps effectively.

Ask the patient if they have any remaining questions or concerns before moving forward with the examination.

Teraz ty powiedz:

  • Do you have any other questions or concerns before we start the examination?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to discuss before we begin the physical exam?